The highly anticipated 2015 Special Olympics World Summer Games is right around the corner and with more participants and volunteers than ever, Special Olympics has made tremendous efforts to make this years' World Summer Games the most talked about, audience engaging Special Olympics event to date. How do we plan on doing this exactly? Well, our goal relies heavily on not only reaching audiences through social media, but inducing action. With 4.5 million athletes in 177 different countries, social media will be the most effective mode of communications between athletes and the general public.
Before delivering a call to action, we must first start the conversation. It is imperative that the voices of Special Olympic athletes are heard and acknowledged in 2015.
To aid in the conversation, Special Olympics has created content intended to bring attention to the barriers Special Olympians face due to disabilities and how these disabilities cause many to underestimate their ability. To draw attention to this issue, Special Olympics talked with hundreds of Special Olympians, family members, and volunteers to create "10 Things Special Olympians Wish you Knew". By sharing this post on Facebook and Twitter, millions of users will be able to gain insight and perspective about what Special Olympians value.
"10 Things Special Olympians Wish You Knew" acts as the general voice of Special Olympians, which initially captures the attention of the general public. However, Special Olympics will be encouraging athletes to share their personal Special Olympics stories with Facebook users with #MySpecialOlympicsStory. Facebook users all over the world will be able to hear the stories of millions of Special Olympians. Along with that, Special Olympics will be sharing #StoryOfTheWeek to highlight the most captivating stories.
Thats not all. A Public Service Announcement called "Don't Diss My Ability" has been created that urges the public to shift their focus from disability to ability. The PSA assures the audience that Special Olympians are talented, hard working athletes that are striving for acceptance. You can check out this PSA on our YouTube channel or on our website
Once the voices of Special Olympians are heard and understood, there must be a call to action. The call to action is to encourage social media users to actively engage and become part of the conversation. Sharing, posting, hashtagging about the 2015 World Summer Games indicates support for the cause and Special Olympics has developed creative ways to get the general public to participate on social media.
The first step is to capture the excitement and intensity of the 2015 World Summer Games. To do this, we have created a sports highlight video called "Going for the Gold" that showcases the most memorable moments in Special Olympics history. Think of Michael Jordan, Game 6, or when the USA hockey team beat the Soviets in 1980, or David Tyree in the Superbowl against the Patriots. Those moments will live on in sports history forever for being the most captivating stories in sports history. Likewise, Special Olympics will compile the most significant moments in Special Olympics history to remind the public that these moments happen in Special Olympics as well. Check out our video here.
Next, How do we get the most amount of people to engage on Twitter? Start a Twitter War. That's right. All 177 countries will be competing in a worldwide Twitter War using country-specific hashtags (#SpecialOlympicsUSA, #SpecialOlympicsPeru). Special Olympics has announced that the country with the most mentions on Twitter will have the honor of lighting the torch at the 2015 World Summer Games. Talk about a chance for bragging rights.. You better start tweeting.
Our last engagement tactic is through Snapchat. Special Olympics has created an account in the "Discover" and "Live" features of snapchat. "Discover" will be used months prior to the event to countdown the days until the World Summer Games along with pictures and videos of athletes, parents, mentors, coaches, and volunteers preparing for the event. During the week of the event, Special Olympics will have a use the "Live" feature encouraging users to take pictures and video at the event to share with their friends. A filter is also being created for users to incorporate into their videos and pictures. With millions of snapchats already rolling in, we are expecting high amounts of participation.
Social media is to play a major role in promoting the 2015 World Summer Games. With the channels and strategies established, Special Olympics expects to see record-breaking impressions on social media. Get in on the action and follow our social media accounts listed below and don't forget to use the hastag #LA2015
Facebook: 2015 World Summer Games
Twitter: @SpecialOlympicsWSG
Snapchat: SpecialOlympics_WSG